Service Request Mobile Update
The Service Request mobile application has recently been updated and now supports unlimited scrolling of tickets in the Request Queue. This means that you can now view the entirety of your available request ticket queue.
The Service Request mobile app now has an updated Request Queue screen as shown above. It allows you to sort your tickets by status from the ease of a drop-down menu:
You may also sort tickets by the following criteria:
Assigned to Me
High Priority
Past Due
Go to Ticket
The Go to Ticket function allows you to enter a specific ticket number in order to quickly find and view.
Additionally, operators may now delete pictures from ticket requests.
Operators may also remove operators from individual request tickets.
E-mail notifications now link directly to the application. You can remain updated on any changes to your requests, or any requests you want to keep an eye on all from your mobile device.
You can now also apply global permissions for customers' ability to edit due dates and priorities in the mobile application.
The Service Request Mobile application is also ready to support QR Codes. In the near future, another update will allow you to use QR Codes to support both ticket creation and ticket completion.
As always, you may download the latest Service Request Mobile App from either iTunes or Google Play stores. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an e-mail to
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