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Eptura Knowledge Center

2023 October Eptura Workplace Product Release

October's release includes:

General Maintenance

Released October 25th

  • Admin Module - Users - When User X is an alternative delivery contact on another user’s account, for example, User J, and then User X is made inactive; now User X will be removed from the alternative delivery contact.
  • Space Module - Administrator can use the Load Drawing to update the floor plan to a new drawing.
  • Service Request Module - When you submit a service request and the user is assigned a seat, now, the service request will display the space number and the “unknown' has been removed.
  • Visitor Module - Users' custom fields that include commas, for example Do you currently have a cough, fever, new onset loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath? displayed in the Visitor Preregistration Template as separate columns. This has been corrected and the special characters will be ignored and the custom field will display in the cell.





General Maintenance

Released October 11th

  • Wayfinder Kiosk - The kiosk was refreshing every 3 to 5 minutes, this has been corrected and now refreshes every 1 minute.