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Eptura Knowledge Center

Request Queue

The Request Queue screen is used to view and access existing service requests. 

  1. Navigate to Service Request >  Request Queue.
  2. Use the Center drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to change buildings or centers, if your site has multiple locations. 

The Request Queue screen displays, where you can access additional information for requests using the following options.


Request priority levels, color codes, and visibility to the requestor and operations views are established in the module’s Administrative functions.


  • To find a particular request, use the search feature at the top left of the screen. Enter a search criterion and click the Search button.


  • Click a tab to filter by Requests, Scheduled, Past Due, or All.

Quick View

  1. To see a brief overview of a particular service request, click the triangle to the left of the request ID number.


Service request tickets are listed in various statuses during the ticket's lifecycle. From the moment a ticket is added to the ticket resolution stage, operators and managers can use the Status column to quickly identify the status of a ticket. 

The status of a service request ticket is the status displayed in the Ticket Status field; this overall status should not be confused with the status of an operator assigned to the ticket.






The ticket has been added to the Service Request module.



The ticket has been assigned to an operator, but the operator has not accepted the assignment.



The ticket has been accepted by an operator, but the operator has not started work on the ticket.

In Progress


An operator assigned to the ticket has started work on the ticket.

On Hold


The ticket has been placed on hold by an operator assigned to the ticket.



The ticket has been marked as completed by an operator assigned to the ticket.



The ticket has been canceled.

Quick Ticket

  • Click the Quick Ticket link to quickly submit a service request from this screen.

Show Legend

  • Requests are color-coded. There is a Show Legend link for your reference.

Edit a Ticket

  • To edit or update a request ticket, click the Edit button under the Actions column.