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Eptura Knowledge Center

2024 May Eptura Asset Product Release

May's release includes:

  • General Maintenance - May 22nd
  • Request Portal URL Enhancement
  • General Maintenance - May 1st

General Maintenance - May 22nd

Released May 22nd

  • All Modules - Custom fields will not display properly in Saved Grids. This has been fixed.
  • Inventory Module - The preferred warehouse default is now being respected when you load the Inventory module.
  • Setting Module - Security Roles - Now you can set the access to the Notify module in this area.
  • Work Order Module - When you filter the Work Order grid view by Group and then you open a work order. Upon closing that work order, the grid view displayed a No Data. A 500 error is displayed. This has been fixed.

Request Portal URL Enhancement

Released May 1st

The portal URL can be used to set some of the values for the request form using query string variables. This can be used to preload some of the fields on the form. The format of the URL is:{asset_id}&subject={Subject}&description={Description}&email={email address}

Where the following will contain:

  • assetid={asset_id}
  • subject={Subject}
  • description={Description}
  • email={email address}

These are the fields found on the Work Request form.


General Maintenance - May 1st

Released May 1st

  • Asset Module - The asset’s activity timeline now adheres to the time zone settings.
  • Work Order Module - When you want to change the type on the component part to be a type that is Tires with current asset component installed, now, the message displays “Cannot change to tire tracking part type because asset installs exist for this part.”
  • Settings Module - Maintenance Plans - When PM has a Schedule Rule that is set to repeat every First Monday of the month, this now will select the correct date.
  • Geotab - The Notfiy job’s Purpose field was populated with “XLATE ERR” and this has been fixed.