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Understand the Inventory Key Performance Indicators

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) give you a quick, at-a-glance, view of your Inventory.

  1. Navigate to Inventory.
  2. Click the Show KPI clipboard_e701784f50611eb14ba969b1b060add8b.pngicon.


Going across the top of the screen, the following statistics are:

KPI Description

Needed / On Order 

For Work

This KPI identifies parts required for ongoing work orders. It focuses on parts that are needed for current maintenance activities and their availability status.

Needed Definition

Parts that are required for work orders but currently have zero available quantity in inventory.


  • The part must be required for one or more active work orders.
  • The part must have zero available quantity.
  • We do not consider parts with positive available quantities, even if they are less than the required amount for the work order.

On Order Definition

Parts that are required for work orders and have a purchase order created, but still have zero available quantity in inventory.


  • The part must be required for one or more active work orders.
  • The part must have zero available quantity.
  • A purchase order has been created for the part, indicating an effort to replenish inventory.
  • We do not compare the quantity on the purchase order with the actual need in the work orders. Even if the purchase order quantity is less than the required quantity, the part is shown in this category.

Out of Stock

This KPI tracks parts that are completely out of stock and assesses whether they meet minimum stock requirements.

Needed Definition

Parts that are out of stock, have zero available quantity, and no purchase order has been created for them.


  • The part must have zero available quantity.
  • Minimum stock levels must be set for the part (minimum stock levels should not be null).
  • No purchase order has been created for the part.

On Order Definition

Parts that are out of stock, have zero available quantity, and have a purchase order created.


  • The part must have zero available quantity.
  • Minimum stock levels must be set for the part.
  • A purchase order has been created for the part.

For parts with zero available quantity and a purchase order quantity less than the minimum stock levels, these parts should be listed under the "Needed" filter as well, since they do not meet the minimum stock requirement even though a purchase order is in place.

Low Stock Description:

This KPI identifies parts with inventory levels below the set minimum stock levels and assesses whether purchase orders have been created to address the shortage.

Needed Definition

Parts that have available quantities less than the minimum stock levels and for which no purchase order has been created.


  • The available quantity must be less than the minimum stock levels set for the part.
  • No purchase order has been created for the part.

On Order Definition

Parts that have available quantities below the minimum stock levels but have a purchase order created.


  • The available quantity must be less than the minimum stock levels set for the part.
  • A purchase order has been created for the part.

Warehouse Utilization

Warehouse Utilization measures the percentage of bin locations in a warehouse that are actively used for storing parts. This KPI helps assess how effectively the available space is being utilized, indicating whether the warehouse is operating at its optimal capacity.


Warehouse Utilization(%) = (Number of Bin Locations with Parts / Total Number of Bin Locations ) × 100 

Example Calculation

  1. Total Number of Bin Locations: Suppose the warehouse has 10 bin locations.
  2. Number of Bin Locations with Parts: Out of these, 8 bin locations are occupied with parts.

Using the formula:

Warehouse Utilization(%)=(8/10)×100=80%

In this example, the Warehouse Utilization is 80%, indicating that 80% of the available bin locations are currently in use.

Inventory Totals

On Hand Total

This KPI measures the total count of all parts currently available in a specific warehouse.

  • The total quantity of all parts that are physically present in a given warehouse.
  • The on-hand also considers the parts allocated to any work orders but not consumed yet.

Unique Parts Total

This KPI counts the total number of distinct parts created across the entire organization, regardless of the warehouse or site.


This KPI calculates the total valuation of all parts within a specific warehouse.


The aggregate monetary value of inventory based on the on-hand quantity and cost of each part in a given warehouse.


Total Value = Sum of (On-Hand Quantity of Each Part * Cost per Unit of Each Part)

From Last Month

This KPI measures the percentage change in the on-hand quantity of parts compared to the previous month.


The percentage difference in the total on-hand quantity of parts from the previous month to the current month. This metric indicates how inventory levels have changed over time, providing insight into trends and inventory management effectiveness.


Percentage Change = [(Current Month On Hand Total - Last Month On Hand Total) / Last Month On Hand Total] * 100

For example, if the on-hand total last month was 500 units and this month it is 600 units, the calculation would be:

Percentage Change = [(600 - 500) / 500] * 100 = 20%

You can click on the Needed / On Order columns to filter the list.


If you want to reset the grid view, then click the More Actions clipboard_e33980655790844b5ebc55df7a0920154.png icon, and then Reset Grid.
