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Clock In and Out of a Work Order

Tracking time on work orders allows you to manage your labor costs. When you are working on a task, use the clock in and clock out to help you keep track of your time spent and remember there is an easy way to make adjustments to your time too.

We recommend that you don't use the clock in and clock out for HR purposes of time tracking for payroll as this is not its intended purpose.

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Clock In and Out it is simple to track your Labor

Clock into the Work Order

  1. Before you start, make sure you are assigned to the work order. In the Assigned field, enter your name and select it from the list OR leave it blank and when you start the clock in the work order will be assigned to you. 


  1. From the toolbar, click the Clock In clipboard_ef3e7c9e02bf868691f2912586b186f2f.png icon and the Clock In dialog displays.


  1. Optional - From the select a task drop-down, select a Service Task.
  2. Click the Clock In button and y​​​​​ou are clocked in and the timer begins tracking your time.

When you return to the list, you will see the Clock In icon displays next to the work order.


Clocked In Profile Reminder

Additionally, you will see the Clocked In icon next to your profile as a reminder.



Click the Clocked in icon if you want to check the timings.


Clock out of the Work Order

When you have finished working on the service task, you can clock out of the work order, and this can be done via:

  • the Clocked In icon next to your profile
  • the work order

Quickly Clock Out

This is available on any screen where the Clocked In icon is present next to your profile. 

  1. Click the Clocked In clipboard_ef3e7c9e02bf868691f2912586b186f2f.png icon.
  2. Hover over the green Clocked In clipboard_e1a74c8bf121bfa460af839d670313b97.pngicon and it turns red.
  3. Click Clocked In icon.
  4. Click Clock out button and the Clock Out dialog displays.
  5. Click the Clock Out button and this will automatically record time in the work order.

Clock Out in the Work Order

  1. From the Work Order list, find the work order with the Clocked In icon.
  2. Click the work order to display its details.
  3. Click the Clocked In clipboard_e1a74c8bf121bfa460af839d670313b97.pngicon and the Clock Out dialog displays.


  1. Click the Clock Out button and this will automatically record the time in the work order.

Add, Adjust, or Delete the Labor Hours from the Service Tasks tab

Add Labor Hours

If you need to add labor hours, this can be easily done.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. In the Service Task tab, click on the Add clipboard_e23bf2fed12faa3265c5b6444b33c8ad6.png icon.


The Task form displays.

  1. Click the Add Labor clipboard_e9542408643d9a884962bfc3476db234c.png icon.


  1. From the Contact drop-down, select the person's name.
  2. In the Quantity, enter the hours and/or minutes.
  3. Click the Save button and the labor is saved.

Adjust the Labor Hours

If you need to adjust labor hours, this is easily done.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. In the Service Task tab, click on the Add clipboard_e23bf2fed12faa3265c5b6444b33c8ad6.png icon and the Task form displays.
  3. Click the Add Labor clipboard_e0adf54db3b62c9ca116134507497bbe9.png icon.
  4. Click the Expand icon to display the labor times.
  5. Click on the time entry.
  6. Enter in the hours and minutes. The entry is automatically saved.


Delete the Labor Hours

If needed, labor hours can be deleted.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. In the Service Task tab, click on the Add clipboard_e23bf2fed12faa3265c5b6444b33c8ad6.png icon and the Task form displays.
  3. Click the Add Labor icon.
  4. If you have multiple labor entries, then click the Labor drop-down.


  1. Click the Delete clipboard_ebc30384cb484cfeb9828ce03acdae8bd.png icon to delete the labor time.


  1. The Delete Labor dialog displays the message "Are you sure you want to delete this labor item?
  2. Click the Yes button.

The deletion is automatically saved.

Add, Adjust, or Delete the Labor Hours from the Labor Tasks tab

Add Labor Hours

You can quickly add any missing labor hours.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. Click the Labor tab.
  3. Click the Add Labor button and a new line displays.
  4. Complete the Contact, Task Code, Labor Date, Hours, Labor Rate, and Budget.
  5. Click the Save button.


Adjust Labor Hours

If you need to adjust labor hours, this is easily done.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. Click the Labor tab.


  1. Click the labor item.


  1. Change the hours and/or minutes.
  2. Click the Save button.

Delete Labor Hours

If you need to delete labor hours, this is easily done.

  1. Open the work order.
  2. Click the Labor tab.
  3. Click the Delete link to delete the labor time.


Someone started the wrong work order

Where someone has started a work order and released that is was the wrong work order, then they clock out, then you will see zero hours.

You can either adjust the time; click on the time to adjust it, or you can click the Delete clipboard_ebc30384cb484cfeb9828ce03acdae8bd.png icon.


Someone forgot to clock out of a work order

If you see a large amount of time on a task, then someone has forgotten to clock out and the time it keeps running.

You can either adjust the time; click on the time to adjust it, or you can click the Delete clipboard_ebc30384cb484cfeb9828ce03acdae8bd.png icon.
