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Eptura Knowledge Center

Asset Import Template Data

General Information

  • Do not change the column headers in Row 1 as this is used to complete the upload.

Data Columns

The table below lists the columns and which columns are required or optional.

Column Name Column Required Max Length Notes
Asset ID Yes 100 Unique identifier for your asset. This can be alpha, numeric, or combination. Duplicates are not allowed.
Description Yes 100 Brief description of the asset. Make sure you use a consistent description to help users search for assets.
Asset Group Yes 100 Shows where the asset physically is located or the department/division it belongs to. It helps maintenance know where to go to complete a repair.
Asset Category Yes 100

The asset category groups and asset types together to separate and distinguish the log types and custom fields.

We recommend that you do not create a lot of categories.

Asset Type Yes 100

The asset type (subcategory)

For example:

Category Asset Type Log Types
 Heavy Equipment Backhoe Fuel, Hours, Miles/Kilometers
 Heavy Equipment Loader Fuel, Hours, Miles/Kilometers
 Heavy Equipment Excavator Fuel, Hours, Miles/Kilometers
 Vehicles Pickup Fuel, Miles/Kilometers
 Vehicles Car Fuel, Miles/Kilometers
 Equipment Forklift Fuel, Hours
 Buildings Office Not applicable
 Buildings Fire Systems Not applicable
 Facility Equipment Boiler Temperature


Budget Group Yes 24  
Default Budget Yes   This is the budget which is used to track expenses. Budgets can be Departments, Job Codes, or Operations.
Status Yes 24 This is used to determine if the asset is Active or Inactive. 
Vendor   100 Unique identifier for a vendor. If the vendor doesn't exist in the sytem then the new vendor will be uploaded.
Customer   100 Unique identifier for a customer. If the customer doesn't exist in the sytem then the new vendor will be uploaded.
Make     The make of the asset.
Model   32 The model name or number of the asset.
Year   4 The year the asset was manufactured.
Serial   32 Used for either Serial Number or VIN.
Barcode-Tag   50  
Purchase Cost   Numeric Cost of the asset when it was purchased.
Purchase Date   Date The date the asset was purchased.
In Service Date           Date The date of the vehicle was put to use after the purchase.
Useful Life(Months)   Numeric  
Salvage Value   Numeric