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Eptura Knowledge Center

Create a Work Order

Learn how to quickly create a work order.

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Audio: Sound Length: 2:52 mins

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  1. Navigate to Work Orders.
  2. Click the New Work Order button. The New Work Order form displays.


The required fields are Entity, Purpose, and Budget.

  1. From the Entity drop-down, select the site.
  2. In the Purpose Of Work Order field, select the purpose.
  3. In the Asset field, enter the asset.
  4. From the Work Type drop-down, select the type of work.
  5. From the Priority option buttons, select either Minor, Normal, Major, Critical.
  6. From the Assign To drop-down, select the person.
  7. From the Due Date calendar, select the date.
  8. From the Budget drop-down, select the budget.
  9. From the Customer drop-down, select the customer.
  10. If you want to add a task, click the + icon. Add Service Tasks dialog.
    1. Either search for the task, select the task, or create a new task.
    2. Click the Add to WO button.


  1. Click on either Create & Open or Create Work Order.

After the work order is saved, the work order is ready to be completed by the assigned worker.