Where to Find the Company Code for ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud
In order for you to use ManagerPlus Mobile you must first enter your company code the first time you login. The following steps will help you find and enter your company code.
Step 1.
Log into the cloud version of your ManagerPlus. This can be done from a computer or from a mobile device.
Step 2.
Locate your Company Code. Its the first section of the URL in your browser. Copy this section of the URL If you are doing this from a mobile devise.
Step 3.
Open ManagerPlus Mobile and enter the Company Code into the Company Code field of the Log-In screen.
Step 4.
Enter your username and password, tap "SAVE at the top of your screen. You should be logged in to ManagerPlus Mobile.
The Company Code, User-Name, and Password will save so you wont have to enter that information again.