Inspections Performed in ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud
ManagerPlus Mobile allows you to complete inspections from your mobile device. Follow the steps below to complete an inspection.
Step 1.
After logging into ManagerPlus Mobile, tap on the Dashboard button, followed by the Inspections icon in the slide out menu.
Step 2.
Open the inspection you wish to complete.
Step 3.
Tap on the Execute Inspection icon to begin the inspection process.
Step 4.
Follow the inspection tasks. There are four choices for each task: Pass, Ignore, Blocked, and Fail.
Definitions of Terms:
- Pass: The Inspection has passed all requirements and needs no further actions.
- Ignore: The task is not applicable or necessary, possibly because a previous task passed.
- Blocked: The task cannot be performed, possibly because a previous task failed.
- Fail: The Inspection has failed at least one of the requirements and a work order needs to be created to complete the Inspection.
Step 5.
All Inspection tasks passed
When all inspection tasks have passed, Managerplus Mobile will provide the following options.
- Completed: Complete the inspection tasks and move on to the final step of the inspection process.
- Create Work Order: Create a Work Orders for a specified task from the inspection process
- Needs Review: Creates a review of a specified task.
One or more Inspection tasks have failed
When one and more tasks have failed, ManagerPlus Mobile will provide the following options.
- Create Work: Will create a Work Order to fix the task so it will pass inspection.
- Needs Review: Create a review for an additional person to review the failed task.
- Previous: Allows you to go back to previous tasks to allow change or modify the previous tasks
Step 6.
Enter the amount of time it took to conduct the inspection in the hours field. Add notes (if needed) to the notes field, then select SAVE at the top.
Step 7.
Complete the inspection process by signing for the Inspection, when finished, tap SAVE at the top of the screen. The inspection process is complete.