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Customize the Inventory View

The list view is where you can see the full list of your Inventory, along with the inventory details at a glance. 

Each user can arrange the layout of the screen according to their own preferences and liking.

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Audio: Sound Video Length: 2:58 minutes

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Search allows you to find any field within the Inventory list. The example below shows results populated for oil filter.


  1. In the Search field, enter the search term.

Search results automatically populate.

Filter by Warehouse

Switch Warehouse helps you view Inventory by Warehouse organization.

Warehouses have been set up by your admin, see set up a site for more information.

  1. Click the Switch Warehouse button. The Switch Warehouse panel displays.


  1. Select a Warehouse to filter by. The Inventory list is filtered.


Filter for Warehouse Parts

The warehouse parts dropdown allows you to filter the inventory using the following options:

  • Warehouse Parts - Warehouse parts must be at least one of the following:
    • Part is a Stocked Part
    • Used in the past six months
    • Part is a Warehouse Favorite
  • Stocked Parts - Parts that belong in your inventory.
  • Non Stocked Parts - Parts you use that do not belong to your inventory.
  • Parts Master -  All stocked and non stocked parts.


  1. Click the Warehouse Parts drop-down.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Warehouse Parts
    • Stocked Parts
    • Non Stocked Parts
    • Parts Master
  3. The inventory list is automatically filtered.

Saved View - Filter a Column Example

When viewing the Inventory list, you may want to change the Inventory columns and sort order. The Save View let's you set up the Inventory listing and then save it for next time.

This is best explained using an example. I want to create a saved list view for oil filters that are on order add the On Order column to the list view. 

Step 1. Reorder Columns 

  1. Drag and drop the Part Type column to the front of the list.DRAGDROP.gif

Step 2. Filter the Column 

  1. Click on the filter clipboard_e5c79ab0f26436f123fb3694841dcbbc0.png icon within the Part Type column. The list of Part Types display.
  2. Select FILTERS-OIL.
  3. Click the OK button. The Part Type column is filtered.

Step 3. Add a column from the Column Chooser 

  1. Click the more actions clipboard_ef7dcbebc80a3465515fa19d5e67bf794.png icon. 
  2. Select Column Chooser. The column chooser displays.
  3. Drag and drop the On Order column to the Inventory column headings. The On Order column displays on the inventory list.


Step 4. Save your View 

  1. Click the save clipboard_ece945c0ff2ad2558151d05d4e38b787a.pngicon. The create new view dialog displays.
  2. In the View Name field, enter the name of the saved view.
  3. Select a who can access this view option, either: 
    • Private- Don't share this view with anyone.
    • Everyone - Share this view with everyone.
    • Security Roles - Share this view with specific roles in your organization.
    • Teams - Share this view with specific teams in your organization.
  4. Click the Save View button.

Display your Saved View

The next time you want to use the saved view you can display it.

  1. Click the Saved views drop-down. The saved views pop-up displays.


 From this you can see a list of saved views, and the default view.

  1. Select a saved view.


Remember, you can share a view that is private to you. Click the share clipboard_e2f57c0ae67143b61babad7a348d3df08.png icon

  1. Click on apply selected. The saved view displays.