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Set up Brands and Models Settings for Inventory

The Brands and Models tab is where part's (A) brands and (B) models are added to use when creating a new part. This allows for uniformity when searching and filtering for a part by brand or model.


Access the Brands and Models Tab

  • Navigate to Settings > Module Settings > Inventory > Brands and Models


Create a Brand

  1. In the Brand drop-down, enter the name of the brand.


2. Click the + brand name and the brand is created.


Edit a Brand

  1. From the Brand drop-down, select an existing brand name.
  2. Click the edit brand name link.
  3. Change the Brand's name.
  4. Change the name.
  5. Click off the name and it is saved.

Delete a Brand

  1. From the Brand drop-down, select an existing brand name.
  2. Click the delete link and the name is deleted.


Create a Model

  1. From the Brand drop-down, select an existing brand name or create a new brand name.
  2. From the Add Model area, click the + icon.
  3. In the Model field, enter the name of the model.


  1. Click off the name and it is saved.


Rename the Model

  1. Hover over the Model's Name.
  2. Click the Model's name.
  3. Change the name.
  4. Click off the name and it is saved.

Delete the Model

  1. Hover over the Model's Name.
  2. Click the X icon and the name is deleted.