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Eptura Knowledge Center

Understand the Work Orders Key Performance Indicators

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) give you a quick, at-a-glance, view of how work orders are progressing.

Watch the Video

Audio: Sound Video Length: 02:36 minutes

Learn more

  1. Navigate to Work Orders.
  2. Click the Show KPI clipboard_e701784f50611eb14ba969b1b060add8b.pngicon.

Going across the top of the screen, the following dynamic tools are:

  • Unassigned - This shows how many work orders are unassigned. 
  • On Time Rating - This shows the percentage of work orders that are completed on time and it shows the number of work orders that are past-due.
  • Weekly Workload - This gauge shows the number of estimated hours in the service task completed this week.
  • Priority - This pie chart shows your jobs according to priority.
  • Work Origin - This shows you where your work order comes from.

When you click on a KPI, the grid is filtered.

You can reset the view, click the More Actions clipboard_e33980655790844b5ebc55df7a0920154.png icon, and then Reset Grid.
