2022 July 6 ManagerPlus Product Release
ManagerPlus Lightning |
July 06, 2022
- Now you can easily duplicate an asset with Copy Asset. Located under your Asset Details, the Copy Asset button allows you to duplicate an asset, give it a unique name, and duplicate schedules, parts lists, notes, attachments, or custom fields.
- All connector connections that are set to import distance meter/log readings, will save those readings in kilometers.
- Kilometers will be imported as KM and displayed as KM
- Miles will be imported and converted to kilometers (1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers). If the database is set to imperial, it will convert the kilometers back to miles, and display distance in Miles
Business Intelligence
BI platform has been enhanced for greater stability and better response times
New custom BI pipes were added for increased reporting capabilities, including:
- Inspections
- Asset Move History
- Work Order Calculated Date
Personal Settings >>
User Preferences
- Enhanced the Time Zone Adjustment feature so all time zones are selectable and easier to read
Administration >>
- Enhanced the Company Time Zone Adjustment feature so all time zones are selectable and easier to read
- Fixed issue causing status changes to not sync properly with the main lightning database
- Request attachments are now transferring to the work order as intended, when generated from the Work Companion app
- Displayed 'Add Invoice' text now clears after adding an Invoice to a Purchase Order Received batch, and only the typed Invoice number is present
- Fixed PO's entry of part lines, so parts can be added using the Enter key
- Ongoing fixes & general maintenance to improve performance and keep things running smooth
M+ Work Companion - 1.0.112 |
Nothing New
Fixed some display anomalies when switching between portrait and landscape orientations. Also improved syncing stability & general maintenance to improve performance and keep things running smooth
Operator Companion |
Nothing New
Nothing New
ManagerPlus Classic Cloud |
Business Intelligence
BI platform has been enhanced for greater stability and better response times
New custom BI pipes were added for increased reporting capabilities, including:
- Inspections
- Asset Move History
- Work Order Calculated Date
Nothing New
ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud |
Nothing New
Nothing New
API and Connectors |
- All connector connections that are set to import distance meter/log readings, will save those readings in kilometers.
- Kilometers will be imported as KM and displayed as KM
- Miles will be imported as miles and converted to kilometers (1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers). If the database is set to imperial (rather than metric), it will convert the kilometers back to miles, and display distance in Miles
Nothing New