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Eptura Knowledge Center

Create a Pass / Fail Section

Add a Pass / Fail section to your Inspection Template is a straightforward way to indicate whether the Inspection meets requirements.

Below is an example of a Pass / Fail.


Create a Pass / Fail

  1. Select the section within the body of the Inspection Template and type and title. Click anywhere away from the field or press "enter" on your keyboard to save the title.


  1. Select the Question / Action field and select Pass / Fail as the format.


  1. Describe the Action or Question in the Question / Action field.


Additional Settings

  • Trigger Work Order - Select clipboard_e64660ffc657894012d741c453eb5460d.png to switch to clipboard_e9d8896fd7f73fc2cac8ecc376226e23d.png or  clipboard_ea974722c11c30f82bf3643015d007183.png
    • Off - No Work Order is created when a failure occurs
    • Any Failure - A Work Order is automatically created for every failure
    • Critical - A Work Order is automatically created for Critical failures only
  • Description - Add a description or further instructions to the section
  • Required - Task must be completed in order to complete the Inspection
  • Allow Answering N/A - N/A as an additional option to Pass / Fail
  • Select Service Task - Select which corrective Service Task to associate to the Corrective Work Order being created due to a failure
  • Allow Comment on Pass - Enables a comment field for the Pass option
  • Require Comment on Failure - Requires comment to be attached to failure before completing the Inspection

The Pass / Fail section is now ready for use on the Inspection Template.

