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Eptura Knowledge Center

2022 September 14 ManagerPlus Product Release

Saving/Sharing List Views Now Available in All Modules

ManagerPlus Lightning  

Sept 14, 2022


  • All modules (including Assets & Work Orders) now allow you to save your customized list view layout
    • After selecting what fields should appear, and arranging them in the order you prefer, you can save the view
    • Select Saved views to recall this particular layout as needed
    • Those with security clearance can also save layouts for other users as well
  • All modules' color schemes & slide-out windows have been simplified.  These changes are part of our continuing efforts to update the user interface & provide greater accessibility to users of all ability levels


BI chart-mixed.png BI

  • Improvements made to BI Custom Reports pipes, including:

    • ‘PO Linked WO’ BI pipe adjusted to correctly associate WO part with PO line item for accurate reporting

    • AssetMoveHistory BI pipe

    • Allocated Field added to Inventory Aging BI Pipe

    • New user security roles and access BI pipe added


  • Resolved issue causing Site Structure to not expand, preventing users from viewing sub groups
  • Fixed bug so assets with an inactive budget/account can no longer be imported
  • Inventory Module's Bin Location drop-down changed to only require a single click (instead of double-click)
  • Resolved issue causing Inventory list view to occasionally display duplicate part IDs
  • Only the enabled entities will now appear in Inventory Transfers
  • Fixed issue causing the wrong name to be attributed on a Work Order Status history 

M+ Work Companion


  •  Nothing New


  •  Nothing New

Operator Companion


  •  Nothing New


  •  Nothing New

ManagerPlus Classic Cloud 


  • Improvements made to BI Custom Reports pipes, including:

    • ‘PO Linked WO’ BI pipe adjusted to correctly associate WO part with PO line item for accurate reporting

    • AssetMoveHistory BI pipe

    • Allocated Field added to Inventory Aging BI Pipe

    • New user security roles and access BI pipe added


  • Nothing New

ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

API and Connectors


  • New API Endpoint in Customer API to GET work order note data

  • New API Endpoint in our Customer API to POST work order notes data


  • Nothing New