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2022 August 3 ManagerPlus Product Release

New User Interface Introduced in LightningEdit

ManagerPlus Lightning  

August 3, 2022


Transformation of the UX Icons Picture3.png

In preparation for new features that are about to be introduced in ManagerPlus, the Icons that appear in the menu, and throughout the user interface have been updated.  

  • Each icon has been updated & modernized
  • While these icons have a new/updated appearance, every icon will still be found in the same location as before
  • Navigation throughout the program has not changed

These changes are a bold step forward to meet a much higher standard of accessibility to all users



  • When attempting to move a child asset without the parent assets, an alert will appear informing the user about the consequences of their decision, should they choose to proceed
    move child without parent warning image-20220718-090452.png

 Business Intelligence

  • New custom BI pipes were added for increased reporting capabilities, including:

    • Join Entities to Invoice List
    • PO Line Items
    • Work Order Calculated Date
    • Invoice form "Pay To" address displays the pay to address, as chosen in the Site settings



  • Downloaded PDF are once again reading properly
  • Invoice form "Pay To" address correctly displays the pay to address, as chosen in the Site settings
  • Fixed issue preventing the listed "Department" from being deleted on a Customer record
  • Resolved permissions issue that was preventing users from adding parts to a Vendor parts list
  • Only one scroll bar now appears on the Vendor history window
  • Fixed issue with Component Warranty progress percent not displaying correctly
  • "New Part" button fixed on Cycle Counts
  • Cycle counts time-out issue has been resolved
  • Maintenance Plans are again available to all users with proper security clearance
  • Purchase Order's displayed addresses are again updating correctly, when a warehouse is changed on the PO
  • Corrected issue preventing non-stock parts from being returned on PO's
  • Lightning reports are again displaying the correct dates
  • Resolved bug which temporarily allowed users with Request rights to create Work Orders (while not having WO create rights)
  • Ongoing fixes & general maintenance to improve performance and keep things running smooth

M+ Work Companion - 1.0.112


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

Operator Companion


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

ManagerPlus Classic Cloud 


  •  Nothing New


  • Improvements made to Email to Request settings API

ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

API and Connectors


  • Improvements made to Email to Request settings API


  • Nothing New