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Create, Edit, or Delete a Category or Subcategory

Level: Administrator

Category Settings establish what kinds of assets you can create in the Assets module.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Module Settings > Assets.
  2. Click the Category Settings tab.

There are three levels to all assets:  Class > Category > Sub Category



All categories fall into one of four different Classes

  • Fixed Equipment - This is the default class.  Assets imported into the application (no matter the category) will land here.
  • Fleet
  • Mobile Equipment
  • Facilities

Category and Subcategory

The relationship between category and subcategory is the most important when setting up your assets.  


  • Sub Category
  • Sub Category
  • Sub Category
  • Sub Category


  • Conveyor
  • Lathe
  • Mold
  • Press

Heavy Equipment

  • Bulldozer
  • Excavator
  • Grader
  • Backhoe


  • Van
  • Pickup
  • SUV
  • Motorcycle

Rental Facilities

  • Condominium
  • Home
  • Towne House
  • Storage Unit

Create a new Category

There is no limit to the number of Subcategories that can be added to a Category.  They cannot be moved to another Category.  If you change your mind and want a Subcategory placed under a different Category, it must be created under that other Category.

  1. Select the Class the category will be under.
  2. In the Category drop-down, enter the new category name.


  1. Press the Enter key or click [+] category name

Edit an existing Category

  1. For the category you want to edit, from the Category drop-down, select the category name
  2. Click the edit category name link.
  3. Change the category's name.
  4. Press the Enter key or click off the name.

Delete a Category

You can only delete a category that has no historical record.         

  1. For the category you want to delete, from the Category drop-down, select the category name
  2. Click the delete link. 

Subcategory (aka Type of Asset)

There is no limit to the number of Subcategories that can be added to a Category.  They cannot be moved to another Category.  If you change your mind and want a Subcategory placed under a different Category, it must be created under that other Category.

Create a new Subcategory

  1. First select the desired Category.
  2. Click the + button under Add Sub Category.


  1. In the enter name field, enter the new subcategory name.
  2. Press the Enter key or click off the name.

Edit a Subcategory

  1. From the subcategory list, click the category name. The subcategory setup form displays.
  2. Edit the subcategory's name, change the axle schema, or custom fields

Delete a Subcategory

You can only delete a subcategory that has no historical record.

  1. From the subcategory list, click the category name. The subcategory setup form displays.
  2. Click the delete link. The subcategory is deleted.