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Edit a Work Order

It is easy to update the contents of any work order and the status changes allow you to see if you are on track with open work orders, and close out completed work. You will be able to:

  • Edit and update open work orders
  • Complete work orders when finished
  • Reopen work orders that need to be updated
  • View the full status history or the work order is visible to all users

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The work order details can be viewed and edited.

  1. Navigate to Work Orders. The Work Order Management screen displays.
  2. From the Work Order Management screen, click on a work order to view the Work Order Details screen.


The screen consists of:

  • Work Description - The field contains the requested work description that was submitted through the Requests module.
  • Work Type - The type of work, for example, Corrective, Predictive, or Preventive. 

The Work Types are set up in the settings, see Set up Work Type for Work Orders.

  • Failure Code - Option on Corrective work types that states why the asset failed (Accident, Operator Error, Weather Damage, etc).
  • Schedule ID - Name of the scheduled PM that caused this work order to be created  (For scheduled PMs).
  • Priority - You can choose the state of the priority, including Minor, Normal, Major, and Critical.
  • Budget - The budget that this work order will be assigned to.  This field is automatically populated with the budget assigned to the asset.
  • Clock In (or Clock Out) icon
  • Purchase Order icon
  • Email icon
  • Print icon
  • Asset Downtime icon
  • Service Tasks Tab

The Service Tasks are set up in the settings, see Set up Service Tasks for Work Orders.

  • Labor Tab
  • Parts Tab
  • Notes Tab
  • Other Costs Tab
  • Attachments Tab
  • Meter Readings - Enter meter readings.
  • Asset Details - Shows the 10 most recent work orders performed on the asset, as well as Manufacture/Model, and current location.
  • Status History - Shows when and who changed the status of the work order, from start to finish.
  • Status - Update the status of work order according to the defined workflow.

The status workflow is set up in the settings, see Set up the Workflow for Work Orders.