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Eptura Knowledge Center

New User Training - Getting Started


Objective: To learn the basics of ManagerPlus.

This first session of New User Training is designed to help you learn the basics of users within the ManagerPlus platform. It'll teach what ManagerPlus is and the value it can add to your organization, as well as how you will log in to use it. This session will also help you get acquainted with the basic capabilities of the platform.

Articles to Read 

  1. Why Preventive Maintenance is So Important. Preventive Maintenance (PM) is crucial to the operations of every asset-intensive organization. Learn why.
  2. Creating and Editing Users. While ManagerPlus is designed to help manage your assets, users are the real people in your organization. Learn how to create and edit your users.
  3. Changing Your Password. Learn where to go to change your password in ManagerPlus.
  4. Resetting a Forgotten Password It happens to the best of us. Learn how to recover your password and reset it if you've forgotten it.
  5. Setting Up Your Home Page Dashboard. You can set up ManagerPlus to show you a number of different reports and charts when you log in. Learn how.