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Eptura Knowledge Center

2023 July Eptura Asset Product Release

Company Settings - Language translation now available

Released July 20th

  • You can now set a default company locale within company settings to translate the application to your selected language and region formatting. Current languages include English (US), English (UK), English (Canada), English (Australia), English (Malaysia), Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Mexico), French (France), French (Canada), Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Dutch (the Netherlands), and Japanese (Japan). Language (region) settings can also be determined per user in preferences. Learn how to change your language preference setting in the Update your Preferences article.

  • Default company locale also includes expanded number, date, time, and measurement form=ats.

    • Includes international numeric conventions, regional date, and time variations, and support for metric, imperial, and US customary measurement systems.

Company Settings - Local currencies now supported

Released July 20th

General Maintenance

Released July 20th

  • BI - When viewing the stock work order form report, the incorrect time was displaying for the work order note time stamp. This has now been corrected.

  • Site Settings - When assigning a budget, not all available budgets would appear in the drop-down. This was annoying so we fixed it.

  • Imports - When performing an initial parts import, parts were not being marked as a warehouse favorite. We have now fixed this issue.

  • Inventory - When consuming a newly received part that appears on multiple receiving records, the activity timeline would report multiple listings of the part being consumed from the same receiving record. This made it look like the part consumption was duplicated. This was confusing so we fixed it.

  • Invoices - When creating or editing an invoice, some customers were missing from the drop-down menu. We have now resolved this issue and the correct customer list now displays.

  • Work Orders - When reopening a PM work order with existing logs, an error would display prompting you to enter a log in order to complete although a valid log is present. This issue has now been fixed.

Released July 6th

  • Assets - When a work order is canceled for an asset that is down, the asset was brought out of the down status. This was unacceptable, so we fixed it.

  • BI - When reporting on budgets, budget period was not in the budget join. We have now added budget period to the budget join to facilitate reporting.

  • BI - When generating a work order labor report, labor date appeared off by one hour. We have corrected this and the timestamp on the report once again accurately reflects the work order.

  • BI - When generating a work order and asset reports, the correct Time Zone offset was not being applied and UTC values were being displayed. You shouldn’t have to manually convert Time Zones, so we corrected it to display the correct Time Zone.

  • Invoices - When using the column chooser from the invoice list, custom fields was not displaying as an option. We have resolved this issue and custom fields is now visible as an option when using the column chooser.

  • Inspection Detail Report - When printing the inspection detail report form, task dates were not displaying the correct Time Zone offsets. We have now fixed the issue to display the correct Time Zone.

  • Support Chat - When initiating a support chat, the dialogue would automatically display there were no agents available. We have corrected this issue and you can continue to reach support as expected.

  • Purchase Orders - When editing a vendor on a purchase order, the changes would not save if a previous vendor was already assigned. This was annoying, and we corrected it.

  • Purchase Orders - Memos from purchase orders would disappear after saving. No none likes losing their notes, rest assured that memo’s once again save as we have resolved this issue.

  • Vendors Portal - When uploading a photo to a work order, the photo would not display. Great news, we have fixed the issue and photos are no longer camera shy.