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2022 March 30 ManagerPlus Product Release

PMs and Work Orders Improved Assignment Capabilities

ManagerPlus Lightning  

March 30, 2022


  • Managers now have greater assignment power right from the Work Order and PM list screens.  Determine primary assignments and secondary assignments on a reoccurring basis

    • Assumes the first person assigned is primary, but that duty can be reassigned to another if desired

    • Unlimited number of users can be included as an assigned contact for the designated PM or Work Order
      Multi-Assign Screenshot 2022-03-28 125512.png

  • Invoices can now be emailed to multi recipients

    • List each email to be sent a copy of the invoice

    • Bottom of the screen includes an email history showing who has been sent a copy already
      Multi email Screenshot 2022-03-28 130043.png

  • Customer Field will always be displayed on a Work Order, if the Customers module is turned on.

    • This allows for customers to be named on work orders that are performed on something other than the customer's assets

    • For those with the Invoicing option turned on, a customer invoice will only be generated on authorized work types IF the customer field has named a customer
      Customer field Screenshot 2022-03-28 130901.png

  • New custom BI pipes were added for increased reporting capabilities, including:

    • Contact Name field added to WO Audit BI Pipe

    • Asset Custom Field pipe added


  • Updated Invoice part pricing so the proper price is always displayed
  • Corrected the Inspection attached images so they display at the correct size
  • Fixed the Inventory history load times so it loads the first 10 records instantly.  The remaining history can be viewed when the Load More button is clicked

M+ Work Companion - 1.0.102


  • Nothing New


  • New parts added in Lightning now only require a "pull-down/swipe-down" of the screen to sync and load to the Work Companion

    • Previously, a reload of the data was required.  This is no longer needed

Operator Companion


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

ManagerPlus Classic Cloud 


  • New custom BI pipes were added for increased reporting capabilities, including:

    • Contact Name field added to WO Audit BI Pipe

    • Asset Custom Field pipe added


  • Nothing New

ManagerPlus Mobile for Cloud - 4.0.721


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New

API and Connectors


  • Nothing New


  • Nothing New