Create a new Vendor Record
You can quickly manually create a vendor or if you want to bulk upload your vendors, then go to Import your Vendors.
- Navigate to Vendors.
- Click the New Vendor button.
- Complete the fields:
Field | Description |
Vendor ID |
Unique identification code for the vendor. It can contain letters, numbers, or a combination of both, and can be up to 24 characters long. The Vendor ID must be something meaningful to you since the Vendor List is sorted by this ID by default. |
Vendor Name |
Full or official name of the vendor. It can contain letters, numbers, or a combination of both, and it can be up to 50 characters long. |
Preferred Name |
Name of the vendor as filed. For example, if the vendor is Ken’s Chevron, you might prefer to file that vendor as Chevron, Ken’s or That-One-Place. |
URL of vendor website. |
Vendor Type |
Type of vendor. |
Rating |
Rate your vendors on a one-to-four star rating. |
Can Be Assigned To Work |
Leave blank if your vendor is only a supplier. Check the box if you want to assign the Vendor to a Work Order. |
- Click the Create Vendor button and the vendor is saved.