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Eptura Knowledge Center

Set up the Inventory - Brands and Models Settings

The Brands and Models tab is where Part brands and Models are added to use when creating a new part. This allows for uniformity when searching and filtering for a part by brand or model.


Access the Brands and Models Tab

  • Navigate to Settings > Module Settings > Inventory > Brands and Models

Create a Brand

  1. Click the dropdown menu to populate the existing brands. The text cursor populates in the box
  2. Type the name of the brand into the text box
  3. Click on the line item below the text box showing the new brand name with the plus sign

The Part brand is now available in the dropdown.


Create a Model

  1. Select an existing brand or create a new one
  2. Click the plus icon under Add Model
  3. Enter the name of the new part model
  4. Click anywhere on the page to save the model

The Model is now available to associate to a part.