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Eptura Knowledge Center

Cycle Counts


Having an accurate inventory of parts linked to assets will help provide better expense reporting.  ManagerPlus allows you to update your inventory quantities and costs.  This article will walk you through how to complete a manual cycle count. 

 This article applies to + Professional and + Enterprise.


1.  Select the Modules tab, then select the Cycle Counts icon in the main menu.

2.  Click on the New icon, complete the necessary fields, click on the Save icon to save you Cycle Count. 

3.  Click on the Add Parts icon and select all part or just the ones you want to count, then click Add to Pick List.  When all parts are in your Pick List click OK.

 Use the filter in the Pick List to narrow your search. You can narrow your search by bin, parts that have been used, or other criteria. This is especially useful if you have a large volume of parts.

4.  Fill in the Quantity Counted grid with your current quantity, then click on the Post Counted icon. If the quantity you entered doesn't match what ManagerPlus has on record, you will need to enter the quantity and cost again and then click on the Post Counted icon. This process will need to repeat until there are at least 2 entries that match.

 Counted by will auto-populate the user that clicks on Post Counted. 

5.  When finished click on the Close Cycle Count icon and you are finished.


Field Descriptions *Required Field

 Cycle Count #: This field will auto-populate with a cycle count number.

*Warehouse:     If you have the Professional Edition this field will auto-populate.  

 If you have the Enterprise Edition select from the pull-down menu the warehouse you want the Cycle Count to apply towards.

*Budget:            Select from the pull-down which budget the cycle count will apply towards.

 Max Recounts: The number of times you are required to verify the number of parts in the instance of a discrepancy. The default is 1.

 You are only required to recount if the count does not match what ManagerPlus has on file. You must have a minimum of 1 additional verified count. Examples below:

ManagerPlus says you have 4 and your count is 4 - No recount needed because it matches. 

ManagerPlus says you have 4 and your count is 2 then it will be flagged for a recount. 

If your second recount is 2 the count is accepted. If the recount is 5, it is flagged again for a recount. 

 Date Created: This field will auto-populate with the date of the Cycle Count.

 Created By: This field will auto-populate the user that created the Cycle Count.

 Closed: Indicates the Cycle Count has been closed.

 Comments: Any comments related to the Cycle Count.