2019 November Product Release
Slack Capabilities, Floor Plan Functionality, and Move Modules
Click below to watch a video on new SpaceIQ features:
Ready to learn more about new features and updates to SpaceIQ? Our November release comes out tomorrow night (Nov. 5)!
Workplace Groups for Spaces
A workplace group is a popular way to bring employees from different departments together to tackle an important project. With SpaceIQ, your ability to designate where workplace groups sit just got better!
In our latest release, you can now select or assign multiple spaces to a workplace group, including available seats—assign an Engineering employee to a desk that actually belongs to the Legal workplace group.
And there’s more!
- Data Functions: Data for workplace groups is the same for employees and spaces. Five new columns, including Employee Type and Reporting To in Move Order Export. Can also import workplace group data
- Move List Enhancement: Outline area on floor map for workplace groups, then move employees there. Function allows seating employees from different departments.
- More Color Options: No more gray highlights. Color options start over when you reach the end of the list
Enhanced Slack Location Icon
There’s no mistaking a location in Slack now. The Location Icon is now displayed using a red bubble instead of a circle.
- Available only in the Slack Bot and Shared Desk email notification