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Update Space Assets

Space assets are an attribute of the space, like a piece of equipment or a feature. For example, a sit-stand desk, dual monitors, ergo chair, conference phone, or handicap accessible.

Spaces commonly associated with assets include desks, offices, meeting rooms, and conference rooms. You can assign an asset to a space; the assets remain with the space and do not move when the employee moves. If you want to manage the assets list, see Manage Assets.

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Update Space Assets

1. Navigate to the Floor Map.

3. Click on a space. The data drawer displays.

3. Scroll down to the Space Assets field.


4. Click the Space Assets drop-down to see all assets already added to spaces in SpaceIQ. You can select one or more assets.

Click the x next to an asset to remove it.


You can add a new asset if you don't see an asset among your choices.

5. In the Space Assets field, enter the asset name.

6. Click the Create option button. The asset will be added to the assets list and associated with the space. 


You will see confirmation that assets have been added to the space.
