Add Kitchen icon to the Floor Map
You can add a Common space type to the floor map and these are Space icons that represent common area on the map. In this example, you will add a Kitchen icon.
Follow the Steps
From the Floor Map, complete the following:
Click the Map Editor icon. The Map Editor displays.
Click on the ADD SPACE button. The space drawer displays.
Scroll down to the Common spaces.
Select the type of Space you want to add to the floor map. For example, Kitchen. The Space code dialog displays.
In the Space code field, enter the space code. For example Kitchen01.
Remember, the space codes are unique identifiers.
Click the OK button.
Click on the floor map to add the space icon.
When finished press the Esc key.
If the kitchen has a name, then this can be added and this will let employees search for the kitchen. For details, see Update Space Labels.
Click on the kitchen icon. The data drawer displays.
In the Label field, enter the space name or label. Remember to choose a name that will be easy for employees to find when they search.
If you need to correct the alignment of the Space icons, see Manage Space or Pin icons.