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Allocate Seats to a Neighborhood for a Project Team

This is where you want employees to be allocated to seats but the employees have no assigned seats. Also, with a neighborhood, you can set up an employee-to-seat ratio.


For Example

This can be used when you have a project team that consists of multiple employees from different teams and they require employee-to-seat ratio set.

This article describes the situation of when you want the Project Team X that consists of employees from marketing and advertising to be part of a neighborhood. Also, some of the team will work outside the office and infrequently come into the office. The ratio for these teams will be 8:6 ratio where there are 1.3 employees to 1 seat.

Watch the Video

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Follow the Steps

Step 1. Add a Neighborhood for the Project Team

Navigate to the Floor Map, click on the Floor Map icon then select the floor you want to manage.

Select multiple spaces by holding the Shift key down while you click-and-drag over spaces

The data drawer displays.


Click the UPDATE USAGE button. The Space Usage Types dialog displays.


Click the Neighborhood usage type.



  • Select an existing neighborhood and then select the name.
  • Or in the New neighborhood field, enter a new neighborhood name. For example, Project X Neighborhood.

Click the ADD button. The new neighborhood is immediately added to the dialog.

Click the new neighborhood name. The seats are allocated to the neighborhood. 


Step 2. View the Neighborhood on the Floor Map

Remember you can view the neighborhood on the Floor Map when you turn on the View Filter, see Customize Floor Map Views

Click the View Filter view_filters_icon.png icon. The filters display.

Click the Neighborhoods filter to turn it on.


Step 3. Associate the Employees to the Neighborhood

You will need to associate the employee with the neighborhood. This can be complete from the Floor Map.

  1. In the Search field enter the employee's name.
  2. When the employee's name displays in the search results, then drag and drop the employee to the seat.


Remember if you prefer the employees can be associated with the neighborhood from the Manage Neighborhood area.

Step 4. Adjust the Neighborhood's Capacity

Navigate to the Neighborhoods Management screen, click the Neighborhoods Management go_to_neighborhood_management_icon.png icon.

In the Search field, enter the neighborhood's name.

From the search results, select the neighborhood's name. The Neighborhood details dialog displays.


In the Neighborhood Details dialog, you will need to set the maximum number of people (capacity) for the neighborhood and this can be greater than the number of physical seats.

Click into the Capacity field, enter the capacity number. For example, the Project Team X Neighborhood has 6 seats and 8 employees so you would set the capacity to 6.

When you change the number, this is automatically saved.