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Room Display and Booking Settings Overview

Teem has several options and settings you can manage. We suggest setting your EventBoard app organization settings first, then applying overrides further down the hierarchy as you see fit. 

Learn more about the Space Hierarchy and how this is used with the following settings:

  • Default Settings - You can set default settings for your Organization (at the top of the hierarchy).
  • Override Settings - You can override default settings at any lower level of the hierarchy (Campus, Building, Floor, Room, and Device). Overrides allow you to make an exception to any of the default settings you have made for your organization and apply that exception to all levels below in the space hierarchy. 

Learn more about Space Hierarchy and Override Settings behaviors.

Eventboard is also called Room Display, and throughout this article, the names are used interchangeably.

Below, we have outlined each setting and our recommendations for them. These recommendations are based on what we have seen that works well for our customers. 

From Teem Web, the settings can be found in Manage > Apps & Integrations > Eventboard.

Room Display Theme

Learn how themes work across multiple displays. See Room Display Standard Themes and Custom Themes for Room Displays.

Display Theme

Recommendation: Any theme that includes "Refresh" in the name (these are the latest designs)

  • The selected theme will be the theme for your room displays. We offer our Refresh themes in both portrait and landscape formats. 

Theme Customizations

Switch out the theme images for photos or graphics of your choosing.

Primary Action Color

Enter the Hex Value to define the color of buttons in UI outside your custom theme.


Booking from Display

These options are options related to booking features from the display.

Allow Reservations

Recommendation: ON

  • For the most flexibility, we recommend turning this on as a default setting for your organization.
  • This controls the ability to make room reservations from our tools, including the EventBoard app, the Teem mobile app, and the Booking Tools. Where you apply this setting will control where you are allowed to create an event. 
  • This feature must be turned off everywhere except for in-device overrides to allow employees to book a room from the display but not from the mobile or web booking tools. In conjunction with the Immediate Reservations Only setting (below), you can create ad-hoc-only huddle-style spaces. 
  • To prevent employees from booking at the device but enable them to book via the web and mobile booking tools, turn this setting on at any level of your hierarchy above devices but off at the device. 

Allow Overbooking

Recommendation: OFF

  • This will allow users to override existing events and schedule new events over them from the display. As this will create a double booking, we suggest you leave it turned off.

Immediate Reservations Only

Recommendation: OFF

  • When toggled to yes, reservations made from the EventBoard display will only be able to be booked with an immediate start time. While the user can adjust the meeting length, they cannot adjust the start time. 

Require Event Checkin

 Recommendation: ON

  • It requires users to check into an event before using the room. If check-in does not occur, the room is removed from the event, freeing up the room for others to re-book. 
  • When enabled, check-in data will be incorporated into your Insights dashboards and reports.

Recommendation: Checkin Start - 5

  • Time in minutes before an event starts that check-in countdown will be displayed. This will not interfere with a meeting in progress.

Recommendation: Checkin End - 10

  • Time in minutes after an event starts, that check-in countdown will be displayed. After this expires, the meeting will be removed from the room’s calendar, and the room will be freed up for others to book.

Note: You can set up the Auto Check-in for Room Display so that you can add Executive Assistants, Recruiters, or Executives who have multiple events in a single meeting room to a user group that auto-checks them into their meetings, so they do not have to manually check-in for each meeting. This way, the meeting is not canceled, and they do not lose the space if they forget to check in. See Set up Check-in for Room Display.

Show Future Events

 Recommendation: ON

  • EventBoard always shows the current day's events; this setting allows the display of events a few days into the future as well. 

Show Tentative Events 

Recommendation: OFF

  • Toggling this to yes will show events that have not been accepted by the room resource calendar or user account. If toggled to no, it will only show events that the room's resource calendar has accepted. 

Allow Future Bookings

Recommendation: ON

  • If turned on, bookings will be allowed for two weeks into the future. If turned off, bookings from the display can only be made for the current day.

Restrict Booking Length

Recommendation: OFF

  • If toggled to yes, reservations made from the device will be limited to the specified length. When toggled to no, a user can book any meeting length of up to 24 hours. We only recommend turning this on if you have a problem with staff who routinely book a room longer than needed at your workplace. This is also useful if you are using our Immediate Reservations Only feature.

Allow Book Other Spaces

Recommendation: ON

  • Allow users to change the room they are booking in the Quick Reserve function on the device. This makes it easy to find and book an available space if the one you walked up to isn’t available.

Ending Events

Allow End Events Early

Recommendation: ON

  • This will allow for an event to be ended prior to its scheduled end-time. If the event includes multiple meeting rooms, only the room where the event ended early using EventBoard will end; other rooms part of the event will not end unless ended locally.

Allow Canceling Events

Recommendation: OFF

  • This will allow upcoming events to be canceled directly from the device. We find that the check-in feature does a great job of clearing the meetings that need to be cleared.

Zombie Meetings ®

Enable Zombie Meetings

Recommendation: ON

  • If you have recurring meetings that are not being utilized, this is a great way to clear them from your calendar. This feature relies on 'Require Event Checkin' being enabled for that space. When this setting is turned on, meeting organizers (or any of their attendees) must check into their recurring events; if an event is not checked into for the specified number of consecutive occurrences, the room will be removed from the event and freed up for others to book.
  • A warning email will be sent to the meeting organizer one meeting before the Failed Check-in Threshold is reached to notify them that the room will be removed from their event if they miss their next check-in. After the 'Failed Check In' threshold is met, the Event Organizer will be notified that the room has been removed from all future instances of the event.

Zombie Hunter Best Practices

  • Advertise the feature across your org before turning it on and clearly articulate the advantages of the feature and your strategy for rolling it out.
  • Set the initial threshold to a high number (around 10) to purge really old meetings.
  • Decrease the threshold down to the optimal range (3-5) within three months of rolling the feature out.
  • Keep the threshold the same across your entire campus or organization to avoid confusion around expected behaviors.
  • Check out Workplace Insights to track progress and time saved from Zombie Hunter.

Zombie Threshold

Recommendation: Failed Check-In Threshold - 3

  • The number of consecutive events to miss 'Check-In' before the Event is removed from the Room's calendar.

Event Privacy

The following privacy settings can be used.

Show Event Title

Recommendation: Toggle to ON

  • Show the event titles on the device. 

Show Event Description

Recommendation: Toggle to ON

  • Show the event descriptions on the device. 

Show Event Attendees

Recommendation: Toggle to ON

  • Show the event attendees on the device. 

3rd Party Integrations

Enable LED Enclosures

Recommendation: Only Customers utilizing LED enclosures need to modify this setting. 

  • These frequency requirements can be found in each enclosure's documentation or on the manufacturer's website and must be set for your specific LED enclosure.
  • If you have TSS Touch Screens by Crestron with LED enclosures, you can also customize the colors of the LEDs. See Enable Color Customization for Crestron Enclosure LED Lights

Work Requests

Enable Work Requests

Recommendation: ON

  • There is much to learn about Work Requests, so we have created an article to cover this.  See Work Requests.


Recommendation: Enter an email account that will be monitored for work requests.

  • Work requests will be sent to the specified email address.

Device Security

Task Lock Mode

Recommendation: ON

  • Android Users: You will be required to enter a PIN before you can exit the EventBoard app.
  • Apple Users: We recommend using guided access mode; steps to enable are found in this article, Install and Set up EventBoard for iPad.

MSM & ASAM Restriction

  • If your device(s) are under supervision and you have configured your MDM to support ASAM for Teem, enable it here to restrict the device to run only the Teem app. For further details, consult our support documentation. See Enable Autonomous Single App Mode (ASAM) for EventBoard.

Device Brightness

Keep your Display Devices from being fully lit all day, every day by scheduling device hours. We recommend tablets with LCD screens (such as iPads and the Samsung Tab A) because they do not typically experience burn-in. 

Awake Brightness

Recommendation: 70% 

  • The brightness of the display when scheduled to be operational.

Asleep Brightness

Recommendation: 0%

  • The brightness of the display when scheduled to be in power-saving mode.

Device Brightness Hours

Recommendation: Business hours for your organization.

  • Adding schedules for your devices allows you to conserve energy and lengthen the life of the device's screens. The devices will automatically enter power save mode outside the defined Brightness Hours and dim to the Asleep Brightness setting. If you need to see the display, a tap on the screen will brighten the device again for a short period of time. See the article Set up the Device Brightness Hours for more details.

Device Health

Show Warning Indicators

Recommendation: ON

  • This setting shows an on-screen indicator for a low battery or no Wi-Fi.