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Eptura Knowledge Center

Condeco user provisioning for Proxyclick


Condeco user provisioning for Proxyclick is designed for new or existing Condeco customers who want to implement a new Proxyclick integration. The process automates the synchronization of users and locations from Condeco to Proxyclick, helping to achieve a seamless experience when implementing the Proxyclick visitor management system with Condeco. An automated daily synchronization from Condeco to Proxyclick ensures consistency is maintained across both systems.

No action is required by the customer for the initial user provisioning as the automated process is entirely managed internally by our Condeco experts. Condeco Global admins are granted admin rights to the default Proxyclick location, and all other users are granted normal user rights.

When you integrate Proxyclick with Condeco, you manage all your users and locations from Condeco, reducing the cost and complexities of maintaining data across two systems. Managing users and locations in one place also improves security and reliability.

When Proxyclick is enabled, the legacy Condeco visitor module is disabled.

Getting started

Condeco user provisioning for Proxyclick is designed for new or existing Condeco customers who want to implement a new Proxyclick integration. Contact Condeco to get started with the Proxyclick Visitor Management System.