Scheduled Work Orders Grid - Where is it?
Where is the Scheduled Work Orders Grid? |
The Scheduled Work Orders grid that we all know and love, can now be found by navigating to the PMs Module. This grid will display all your PM schedules, indicating which PMs are ready to generate based on the maturity.
The PM Module will not display any open Work Orders as those are found in the Work Orders Module.
The PMs Module is where you are able to manage your PMs by:
- Adjusting the Next Date of when the PM will be ready for work
- Select which PMs to Generate
- Assigning a contact
New: KPI's now available from PMs Module
KPI's specific to your PMs are now available, which can be toggled on or off by selecting the Show/Hide KPI button.
From this list view, you will also be able to see which of your PMs currently have work due by filtering for 'PMs with Work'.
Eptura Asset Videos
Learn more about PMs and establishing your Maintenance Plans in our Training Video library.