Email Notification Permissions
This article will define each email notifications permissions. It is important to note the behavior of these notifications change when certain combinations are enabled. The email notifications permissions are found on the Facility General page of a User’s Edit Permission Form.
Email Notification: an email that a User can receive about information in Hippo.
All Demand Work Orders: User receives an email for all Demand Work Orders for any associated facility.
Own Demand Work Orders: User receives an email for only the Demand Work Order he/she submits. Note: This permission must be selected and in combination with “All Demand Work Orders” to apply.
All PM Work Orders: User receives an email when all Scheduled Work Orders (PM) generate, for any associated facility.
Work Order Resource: A Resource receives and email whenever his or her name is associated to either a Demand or PM. This email notification only applies to a User that has the “Work Order Resource” permission.
Work Order Status Updates: an additional email that a User can receive regarding a change to a Demand or PM. A Status Update is triggered in in three ways: Change of a "Work Order Status" on a work order, addition to the "Comments" field on a work order, or change of "Resource" information on a work order. This email notification must be in combination with other email notifications to apply. For example, if a User has “All Demand Work Orders” and “All PM Work Orders” in combination with “Work Order Status Updates” he/she will receive and email for all updates on all Demands and PMs, to any associated facility.
Note: This email notification combination is suggested for any User that wants to be fully informed of all tickets and changes to them, in any associated facility.
Work Order Requests: A User can receive and email notification when a Request has been submitted by a Requester. The work order request must now be approved or rejected. This email notification only applies to a User that also has the “Mange WO Requests” permission.
Parts Below Min. Qty.: A User can receive an email when a part falls below their customize quantity. The "Quantity on Hand" and "Minimum Quantity" must be entered on the Parts grid (Facility Admin) for this email to apply.