Work Orders
You have logged in to the new Eptura Assets and are starting to experience the new look and feel. After reviewing the Work Order Dashboard, you may be wondering "where exactly did my work orders go?"
This section will answer the following questions:
- Where do I find my Work Orders?
- How do I close a Work Order?
- How do I create a new Work Order
Where do I find my Work Orders? |
To find your open Work Orders, navigate to the Work Orders Module using the menu bar as shown below.
This will bring you to a list of all of your open Preventive and Demand (AKA Corrective) Work Orders. Similar to Hippo, these columns are interactive. You can rearrange, filter, and search through each column.
Reminder: The total number of Work Orders may appear inflated as Work Orders that previously had multiple Assets associated are now split into individual work orders. These Work Orders can be linked together.
In Hippo it was possible to sort work orders per Facility. To do this in Eptura Assets, select the "Filter by Group" button and this will allow you to view your open work orders based on the Entity (AKA Facility in Hippo) it belongs to. (Please see our Terminology Index for a full list of what terms have changed)
To view all the Work Order Details, click on any Work Order from the list. To Exit, select the "X" to return back to the list of Work Orders.