Learn about Subcategories.
This article shows a User how to add, modify, or remove subcategories. This can only be edited by a system admin.
Subcategories: to further group a Work Category.
Subcategories are associated with Work Categories. Typically, work categories are generic, umbrella terms, so a subcategory allows you to make them more specific. For example, a work category of “Kitchen Equipment” may have a subcategory of “Oven” or “Dishwasher”.
- Click on the “Categories and Types” tab, under Facility Admin or Enterprise Admin.
- Next, click on the dropdown menu “Choose Category or Type” and find “Subcategories”.
- Click on the New icon (+) located in the top right corner to add a Subcategory. The top row of the grid will appear empty.
- Click in the Name field and type the new subcategory.
- Click in the Work Category field and associate this subcategory to the work category from the dropdown.
- When finished, click on the Save icon located in the top right corner, to save.
To modify, click in the field and after any change, click the Save icon. To delete, click next to the name to highlight the whole row. Hit the delete icon located in the top right corner. You must click the Save button to keep the changes.
Subcategories can also be created or made use of on the Equipment Models grid, Facility levels.
Locate the Subcategory field on either grid and click in the field. You can select a Subcategory from the dropdown, based on the Work Category.
If you use a Subcategory in association with a Work Category on either of these two grids, then you will see that information on generated work orders.