What is Single Sign On
This tech note discusses Single Sign On (SSO) and how it works with Hippo CMMS V6.
What is Single Sign On (SSO)
Single Sign On (SSO) is a new feature utilized by Hippo that simplifies the login procedure.
Single Sign On (SSO) is an authentication process that allows the user to access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials (username and password). One of these applications can be Hippo CMMS.
How does It work?
In Hippo, SSO is managed by an identity provider. The role of an identity provider is to allow for reliable integration for SSO to all your applications, including Hippo. Examples of identity providers include Active Directory Federated Services (AD FS), Active Directory Azure, and Okta.
Hippo CMMS v6 will support Okta identity provider by default. To read more about Okta, please visit: https://www.okta.com/products/single-sign-on/
How will it benefit you?
SSO improves the user experience. It simplifies the login experience by allowing the user to quickly transition between multiple services securely and uninterrupted, without having to specify login credentials each time.
SSO helps reduce password fatigue, which can result from the multiple and diverse types of usernames and passwords that most applications require. With SSO, the user only needs to remember a single set of login credentials.
SSO can also help reduce the need to help users with password recovery. If your Enterprise utilizes multiple applications, an SSO can significantly reduce the IT support as users will only need to recover a single account.
At Hippo, the support for SSO is introduced in v6 based on the request of current and prospect customers