How To Connect Hippo CMMS to Apps Using Zapier
Get started integrating Hippo using Zapier.
Who Is This Guide For?
This guide is for users that need an easy way to integrate Hippo with other systems. Using Zapier, you can connect Hippo CMMS and other third-party apps to build workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and save time.
What is Zapier?
Zapier is an automation tool that connects apps, including Hippo CMMS, Gmail, Slack, and over 1,000 more. You can now connect Hippo CMMS with apps to automate repetitive tasks without doing any coding or relying on developers to build the integration. You can now move data between Hippo and other web apps automatically, letting you focus on more important work. It's so easy that anyone can build their own app workflows with just a few clicks.
For example, every time you get a work order request email, you have to manually open the email, copy all the information in the email, and then re-create the request in Hippo. But now you can have Zapier automate the whole process for you, saving time and effort.
Create Your Own Zaps
Every workflow you create with Zapier is called a Zap. Here are some fun examples:
Automate your work order request submissions from any web form into Hippo
Create a work order request in Hippo when you receive an email request
Customize your automated email notifications
Receive demand work order notification in Slack
To start creating zaps, sign up for a free account with Zapier. Type in your name, email address, and a password. The free subscription allows for 5 free zaps, each with 2 steps. Visit Zapier's website for more details about pricing.
Set up Hippo Work Order Request Integration with Zapier
Before anything else, you need access to Hippo CMMS Zapier integrating. The steps below applies only if it is your first time using Zapier.
Sign up for a Zapier account (free or paid).
Skip the splash screen tutorial.
Click on the link below to Sign up for Early Access or follow the steps below.
Click on the App tab and select Early access
2. Search for Hippo CMMS using the search bar.
3. Select the Hippo CMMS icon and then click Start using Hippo CMMS now!
4. Click Accept invite & Build a Zap. Next you see your dashboard.
Now you're ready to connect Hippo to other apps.
From your dashboard click Make a Zap.
Next, you need to choose an "App & Event" from the list of apps or type the app name in the search field.
This is where you get to define what will trigger an event in Hippo. For example, how you're notified of a request coming from Gmail.
4. Once you select the trigger, the drop-down closes and you can click the Continue button.
5. The new window will ask you to sign into your email account. We suggest you create a new email specifically for work order requests. For example,
6. Once you have signed into the email account, return to Zapier and click Continue.
7. You now have the option to create a new inbox in your email account. Use Hippo Requests and then click Continue.
8. You now have the option to Test and Continue or to send an email to the account. You can also skip this step.
9. Next, find the Hippo CMMS app and click its icon.
10. Select Create Work Order Request from the Choose Action Event drop-down.
11. Click Continue. The new window prompts you to log into Hippo.
12. The final Customize Work Order Request window allows you to chose the information fields for requests. For example, requester name or request description.