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Eptura Knowledge Center

How to Add a New Resource to the Resource Drop-Down List on a WO

Need to add another name to your resource drop-down menu? This article shows you how.


Follow a few steps to add additional Resource Users to your dropdown list on work orders.


Resource: Typically the in-house maintenance technician or person responsible to complete work order tasks.


  1. Click on the Users Grid either at the Enterprise Level or Facility Level.
  2. Click on the key icon next to the User's name. Their Edit Permissions form opens up.
  3. Click the Facility General tab.
  4. Click in the box next to 'Work Order Resource' permission.

Note: Determine if this Resource is to "View" and "Modify All" or "Own" work orders on the Facility General page and any other permissions that he or she may need.


  1. Click on the Facility Admin page. A Resource must have Resource "View", "Add", and "Edit" permission. Select any other permissions that should apply.

View: view the resource section on a work order
Add: add a resource name to a WO
Edit: add time as the Resource or comments to WO
Delete: delete a resource name from a WO


  1. Hit Save.
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