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Eptura Knowledge Center

Access Control Notifications

Proxyclick's Access Control integration will send notifications to a list of technical contacts specified by you. These notifications are intended to assist you in resolving issues on site, either network related, related to settings, or the status of your access control systems.

Notifications can relate to issues connecting to the client software and actions that have failed. 

Offline Client

We will issue a notification when we cannot reach our client software. These are issued when the client is unreachable for 1 hour, 1 day, and 3 days. We mark a client as unreachable when we have not received a message from it for 30 minutes.

Offline client notifications do not state why the client is offline, just that it is not able to be communicated with. Some reasons why you might receive this email can be:

  • Firewall changes.
  • Internet outage.
  • The machine running the client is shut down.

Other reasons of this nature will also trigger an offline notification.

Failed Actions

Actions are created when we need to update a visitor’s profile within the access control system.

A number of actions are generated during the lifecycle of a visit, such as creating a profile, adding a credential, updating access permission, removing a credential, and many more.

All new failed actions are added to a list that is emailed to the technical contacts once per hour. The email contains a CSV file with information for all of the actions that have failed in the past hour for all connected Proxyclick locations.

This file contains the name of the location, visitor name, and information, and also some information on the error to help with diagnosis.

These failed actions will need to be cleared up manually, as appropriate. Failure to do so can leave visitor profiles in your Access Control system.

If an Action Fails to Complete:

  • It will be retried 10 times.
  • There will be 5 minutes between each attempt.
  • If an action has failed 10 times, it will be logged for manual action from your access control administrators.

Examples of Failed Actions:

  • A visitor’s profile is removed from the access control system. This will trigger failures as Proxyclick will not be able to guarantee the lifecycle of the profile and ensure the visitor will be cleaned up correctly.
  • A visitor's profile is changed, making Proxyclick updates impossible. When manual tokens are added to the profile, this exceeds a built-in limitation in the access control system.