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Eptura Knowledge Center

User Management

Level: Administrator

The User Management area allows Admin and other user roles to enter users to operate as hosts and receive visitor notifications. There are multiple ways to enter users:

  • Manually - add or edit an individual.
  • Import users in bulk - use to update a large user base without the IT project associated with automatic updates.
  • User Provisioning via LDAP or OneLogin - ideal for automatic updates (but requires IT project).

See the User Rights Matrix article for more information.

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  1. Click the Add user button to start the process of adding a user manually and the Add a user dialog displays.


  1. In the Email field, enter the email address of the user.
  2. Click the Next button.


  1. In the First Name field and the Last Name field, enter the user's first and last name.
  2. In the mobile phone area, the country flag is a pull-down to assist with entering phone number.  You do not need to enter dashes when entering the phone number.
  3. In the Assitant field, type in assistant's name. If the name is already in the system, the name will begin the auto-fill process to help fill in the name.
  4. Click the Save button to finish the process.

Import Users in Bulk

This process can quickly enter in new user information, but there is a specific process to follow.


When entering information from a spreadsheet, the current user information MUST be included.

If new information from a spreadsheet is entered WITHOUT using the information that is currently present, then the current user list will be lost.

1. Click the Download button to download the current information.

2. Open the Excel file, then edit and add the other users to the file.

New user information must be entered in separate rows.  Follow the information and present the information in the file as a guide to enter the new information.

3. Save the file after all information is entered.

4. Click the Upload button to locate, select, and send the file to the Proxyclick system so that the user information is entered.

User Provisioning via LDAP or OneLogin

This option allow you to manage users (additions, deletions, updates) automatically. Learn more in User identification and management.