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Eptura Knowledge Center

Define a validity period for visitor agreements

Signing agreements is an important part of the check-in experience: these documents can hold an NDA, safety agreement, privacy agreement, or any other document.

As important as they are, these documents can slow your check-in process as it takes time for a cautious visitor to read, review, and sign an agreement. Such delays can create long lines and friction for visitors and receptionists.

A good solution to reduce such friction is to define a validity period, so your returning visitors only sign your agreement once. For instance, if the period is one year, returning visitors will only need to sign the agreement once a year (on their first visit), even if they come multiple times to your office.


In order to enable this feature, you need to make sure:

  • You are an Administrator of the account
  • You use the Proxyclick app in version 2.9.0 or higher

How to define a validity period

In order to define a validity period, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Settings > Configure kiosk > Agreement (NDA …)

  2. Click on the three vertical dots next to the name of the agreement you want to set a validity period for and Configure.

  3. Find the Validity period section and change it to the desired duration.


Done: returning visitors will not be asked to sign the agreement at every visit as long as the agreement they signed is valid. They will instead see a small mention that their agreement is still valid.

If you want to reduce check-in time for first time visitors too, you can ask them to sign the agreement in advance.

Can I change the validity period?

Yes, of course.

Please note the new period will only impact future agreements and will not impact previously signed agreements. For example, it’s September, and the validity period is set to 3 months. Bill signed the agreement in January, so it expired on April 1st. If the validity period is changed from 3 to 6 months, then the expiration date of Bill’s agreement will not be recalculated; it will remain April 1st.


Can I reset the validity of all agreements?

Yes, this is possible.

When you edit your agreement, Proxyclick will give you the choice to reset the validity of all previously signed agreement – or not.

You will probably want to reset the validity if you bring material changes to your agreement (e.g. a new compulsory clause). By doing so, all visitors will be forced to sign the new version of the agreement, even returning visitors who recently signed the previous version. On the other hand, if the change is a small visual improvement, you will probably not want to bother returning visitors to re-sign the agreement just for that small change.