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Eptura Knowledge Center

Destination Dispatch

Destination Dispatch (DD) Systems are typically already integrated with the access control system. We can enter user profiles into the Access Control System as the Destination Dispatch System requires to ensure this flows smoothly when managing visitors. This means user profiles can contain the information required to trigger the Destination Dispatch to take them to the required floor.

We achieve this via two methods - either may be used as required by your DD<>ACS integration.

Option 1 - Custom Access Levels

More info on custom access levels can be found in the Access Manage Visitor Access with Access Control article. 

The same method can be used for destination dispatch. A multiple-choice custom field named "Floor" (or similar; you define the name) can be created in Proxyclick, and the options included will be a list of each floor:


After this is set up, the Proxyclick access control team can map this custom field to create custom access levels. These access levels can then be set in the DD system so they will trigger DD to direct that user to the required elevator.

Using the above custom access level options for both DD triggering and custom access for different visitor types is possible. These features do not conflict.

Option 2 - Custom Field in User Profile

Similar to the above, this option uses the same custom field method. Instead of mapping this field to create custom access levels, we map it to the field in the access control system user profile (typically the home/default floor field) that triggers DD.

Configure the custom field in Proxyclick, then let us know the name of the field in your access control system that will need to be mapped to