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Eptura Knowledge Center

Group locations in to a building view

What is a building view in ProxyClick?

A Building view makes it possible for you to group multiple locations together into “Buildings.”

Buildings are a powerful feature that allows you to perform actions on several related locations simultaneously.

This is especially useful for two types of companies:

  • Large corporations that have multiple subsidiaries in need of aggregating locations within the Dashboard for further manipulation;

  • Property Management companies that operate buildings with multiple tenants.

Using buildings has two main benefits for these companies:

  • The ability to download the emergency lists for all grouped locations at once;

  • The ability to export all the data per Building for all locations within.

You can now use our Building logbook to get a comprehensive overview of your visitors in multiple locations or tenants.

Create and use a building view within ProxyClick

In order to create a building view, complete the following:

  1. Navigate to Locations overview.


  1. From the location, select New building and the Create new building dialog displays.


  1. In the Building name field, enter the name of your building.
  2. From the Add locations drop-down select the locations that need to be part of the building.


The building view will appear in your Locations overview, including the building emergency list.

When running an export, you’ll also notice you can export for an entire building at once.
