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Eptura Knowledge Center

Visitor Types

About Visitor Types

Enable Visitor Types to categorize the various types of individuals visiting your offices. This allows you to customize notifications for each visitor type, ensuring that contractors, customers, and employees (for example) receive relevant information for their specific visit.

Four visitor types are provided by default, and you can customize the names and descriptions to suit your specific purposes:

  • Guest: This is the default visitor type which cannot be disabled. (Any visitor type can be set as the default).
  • Contractor: External workers typically engaged for specific tasks or projects.
  • Employee - Employees who arrive at your office but are based at another location.
  • Customer - Visitors with a business relationship with your organization.

Enable/disable and edit Visitor Types

  1. To enable and edit visitor types, navigate to Settings > VisitorsVisitor types.visitor types 01.png
  2. Toggle the buttons to enable or disable the visitor types as appropriate.
  3. Click the pencil icon to the right to edit each visitor type. You can edit the Name and Description. The names in the Category drop-down retain the default names to allow you to keep track of the visitor types if they are renamed.
    visitor types 02.png
  4. Click Save or Close to return to the Visitor Types setup.
  5. Default visitor type: To change the visitor type selected for new visits, choose the required visitor type from the Default visitor type drop-down. Bulk visits, group visits, and visits created outside of the dashboard, are assigned the default visitor type.
  6. Visitor type selection: Choose whether the default visitor type is automatically selected for a new visit, or if the host must make a selection when creating the visit.

Good to know

  • Bulk visits, group visits, walk-ins, and visits created outside of the dashboard, are assigned the default visitor type.
  • Any user who can create visits can assign a visitor type when creating a new visit.
  • Can't see Visitor Types in Settings? Contact Eptura support to request the feature is enabled.