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Eptura Knowledge Center

User Provisioning and SSO Overview

User Provisioning

User Provisioning refers to the automatic synchronization of users: people defined in your Active Directory (AD) will be automatically synchronized with the Users list in Proxyclick. E.g., new people in the AD will be added to the Users list in Proxyclick.

Synchronizing users is especially useful to keep the list of hosts up to date in the Proxyclick iPad app: visitors are then able to select their host, and hosts can receive check-in notifications via email and SMS.

User Provisioning Options

Some explanatory notes:

  • For User Provisioning, one option is to have Proxyclick pull the data (on a daily basis) from your Active Directory, thanks to the LDAP integration. This requires access to your servers behind your firewall. The other option is to have updates pushed from your systems to Proxyclick (in which case we do not need to connect to your servers). Different vendors propose UP under this formula (Onelogin, Okta, Centrify, …).

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) gives your users the ability to sign in to different applications using the same unique set of usernames and password. Users sign in once via the so-called Identity Provider (external to Proxyclick) and can then, from there, access different apps (including Proxyclick) without logging in again. For SSO, Proxyclick supports the SAML 2.0 standard.

SSO is only useful if you require most staff to pre-register visitors through Proxyclick. SSO is not really needed if your users don’t need to preregister visitors but only need to be notified upon check-in of their visitors.

Single Sign On Options

Manage both User Provisioning and SSO

Many combinations are possible:

  • Manage both UP and SSO with same vendor (e.g. OneLogin or Okta)
  • Only do UP (e.g. through LDAP)
  • Only do SSO
  • Combine different options (e.g. UP though LDAP and SSO through SAML)…

Your UP/SSO provider is not listed? Please let us know. We can deploy fast.

Alternatives to UP and SSO

Many of our clients choose not to implement UP and SSO.

In particular, many use the Excel upload to create, invite, edit, or delete users in bulk.

For this, click on Employees and then on Bulk upload to launch the wizard.

User Provisioning and Single Sign On.png

You will notice the Excel upload manages account creation, edits, and deletions (user provisioning) and allows you to invite employees in bulk (can replace SSO).

You can also create, manage, delete, and invite users one by one.

  • Click on Add Employee to create/invite users.
  • Click on their individual profile to edit or delete them.

User Provisioning and Single Sign On require the add-on to your subscription.