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Eptura Knowledge Center

Activate Logs for Kiosks

When troubleshooting an issue, technical support may ask you to activate logs. Here are instructions to activate the logs for your kiosks.

  1. From the main screen on the iPad, click on the Settings icon.

  2. Scroll to the Proxyclick app and click to open the settings:


  1. Scroll to the Proxyclick settings and locate the Send Logs and Verbose logging options. Click the buttons and make sure both switch from grey to green:


  1. Launch the app and use as normal.  When it's time to send the logs, all you need to do is restart the app.  Once the kiosk loads the Welcome screen, your logs will be sent directly to the technical team.


  1. Just send us a message via email or chat to let us know and we will update the ticket to notify the team the logs were delivered.