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Eptura Knowledge Center

Add Notes to a Work Order

You can add notes to your work request and these can be:

  • Internal Note - this note will stay internal and a notification will be sent to the individuals assigned to the work request.
  • Public Note - this note will be public and a notification will be sent to all individuals involved, including the work requester.


  1. Navigate to Work Orders.
  2. Click a Work Order.  
  3. Click the Note clipboard_eef80da64773c9e6e77a2d247b8bb2686.png icon.
  4. Click on either the New New Internal Note button or a New Public Note button. The note dialog displays.
  5. In the description field, enter the note.
  6. Click the Add Note button. The note is added.
  7. Click the Complete button.

​​​​​​​Adding Notes to a Work Order.gif